It’s a bird! In a plane! Feathered stowaway gives new definition to in-flight entertainment in viral video

It’s a bird! In a plane! Feathered stowaway gives new definition to in-flight entertainment in viral video

NEW YORK, Dec 21 — Passengers on an EVA Air flight were provided with unusual in-flight entertainment as they were about to depart from New York on Dec 12.

A feathered stowaway was discovered onboard the Boeing 777 and ground staff and travellers quickly attempted to capture it.

The bird was eventually caught using a blanket.

Laughing passengers were seen applauding after the bird was captured, before Eva Air flight BR031 departed from John F. Kennedy Airport and arrived safely later in Taipei, Taiwan.

The bird was reportedly unharmed in the encounter which went viral after a passenger uploaded two videos of the incident to social media app, Threads.

Flight operations were not affected by the incident.

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