‘Never mess with a Chinese woman’: Milan phone thief learns lesson the hard way

‘Never mess with a Chinese woman’: Milan phone thief learns lesson the hard way

MILAN, March 22 — What happens when you steal a phone from a group of fearless Chinese students in Italy? You get an 800-metre workout you didn’t sign up for!

A student from China’s Yunnan province known only as Koukou was riding the Milan subway when a thief snatched her friend Bin’s phone just as the train doors were closing, the South China Morning Post reported today.

Thinking fast, Koukou pried the doors open and yelled “STOP!” before launching into an all-out chase — phone in hand, recording every moment.

The pursuit zigzagged through subway stations, with Koukou, Bin, and another friend named only as La dodging commuters and shouting descriptions of the thief, who was dressed head-to-toe in black (classic villain move).

Subway police soon joined the hunt, guiding them through multiple train lines.

At one point, they lost track of the culprit and even mistook a few innocent bystanders for him. Oops!

Just when it seemed the chase might be over, a new lead pointed them to platform 3.

Koukou’s adrenaline spiked when she noticed the officers were armed — this was serious.

Suddenly, Bin spotted the thief lurking on platform 5.

A heroic bystander in a red outfit (perhaps a secret superhero?) tripped the culprit, and the police swooped in for the arrest.

Bin’s phone was recovered—slightly worse for wear but intact.

The police even handed her tissues and water for a much-needed cleanup.

The Hong Kong newspaper reported that those convicted of theft in Italy can result in a three-year jail sentence and a fine, but for these students, the victory was priceless.

“Never mess with a Chinese woman,” Koukou was quoted as saying after the high-adrenaline drama.

The daring chase went viral on Chinese social media, racking up two million likes and much awe.

Among the comments on social media:

  • “These girls are amazing! Respect for their courage, intelligence, and stamina.”
  • “Word on the street? Local thieves now avoid Asian women at all costs.”

One woman even shared her own vigilante moment: “My phone got snatched while I was studying abroad, so I grabbed a shared bike and chased the guy for blocks until I got it back. My parents freaked out, but hey, I’m a Chinese woman—I don’t give up!”

Moral of the story? If you’re thinking of stealing a phone in Italy, maybe pick a different target. Or better yet, just don’t.

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